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The Mission of Louis Stocklmeir Elementary School

is to foster positive personal and intellectual growth in children, and to prepare them to become responsible, caring, and productive citizens in our diverse society. Students, teachers, support staff, administration, and families work together in a spirit of cooperation and effective collaboration to enhance the joy of learning!

Stocklmeir Elementary School provides a challenging educational program for every student while building a sense of positive selfworth essential to academic and social success. We focus on constructivist learning that enables students to take real-life experiences and make connections to new information. Our teachers consciously work to create meaningful learning environments that support children as they become engaged in the learning process. Our school has established Panda Pride, and espouses the tenets of the Project Cornerstone program. The decision-making process at Stocklmeir School includes staff, parents, and students. The School Site Council, Faculty AdvisoryCouncil, School Leadership Team, Student Council, and the Parent Teacher Association work together to provide the best possible communication between the different organizations. The Panda Press, a weekly school newsletter, School Site Council updates in the Panda Press, School Site Council Newsletters, school web site information, Principal Chats, and the PTA newsletter help inform the general school population. The school uses a parent and student survey to get feedback from our community to make informed program changes. Parents are encouraged to become active partners in the educational process.The mission of the Stocklmeir School community is to foster positive personal and intellectual growth in children, and to prepare them to become responsible, caring, and productive citizens of our diverse society. Students, teachers, support staff, administration, and families work together in a spirit of cooperation and effective collaboration to enhance the joy of learning.